Once Upon Two Brows... :) They Ain't Smiling!

Like a lot of ladies, I've had my own share of 'horrrrible' brows. Lol.
I tried to find a picture at-least to show how my brows looked 3 to 4 years ago. I didn't find any.
Uhm... maybe it's a good thing. Lol. (Let me give you a description: imagine a black, thin line across your brows... Hehe! And trust me, then I felt I looked hawwwt!)

Now there's a new way of defining our brows; and for me, I know it's not rocket science, but it took a while for me to wrap my head around how to do it. (It wasn't easy sha)! Like the faux-lashes, I had to practise and practise, till I got it right. At-least, I think I have. Of all my make-up applications, the brows take the longest. A few years ago, all I had to do was to draw a line and that was it!

But now, I'll have to fill-in the brows, then use a concealer or foundation to clean the top and bottom, to get that crisp, defined look. I remember when I just started drawing my brows the way it's done now, I would leave the concealer on the top and bottom of my brows with-out blending... ah! To me, I was feeling funky. "I had 'instagram' brows baby!" Hehe. (Jeez, I wish I had pictures. Lol)

Until one fateful day I met an acquaintance in a bank, and while we were talking, he kept looking at my brows. I'm sure he couldn't help it, he asked what's on my brows (and trust me, it didn't come out with admiration). So you can imagine! Lol.

Anyway, I went on YouTube and saw how it was done properly. I started to learn it, and then master it. It took a little while, but...

Here are some brow pics...

 ...Honestly I felt I had gotten it right, but looking closely, I noticed all the flaws.

 Sometimes, I wondered where the front of my top brow disappeared. Lol.

 Other times, I felt I drew them too long_ longer than my actual brows, making it look un-natural.

Also, I used the wrong shade of brow-pencils or brow-gels. It came-out looking too dark or ashen.

 Too sparse... though I like it. :)

 Here comes the winner! Yippey! Now, I can draw my brows with-out looking like...
 (Some-times, I still have those moments) :)

As they say: "practise makes perfect, perfect practise, makes practice perfect."

If you're struggling with a perfect looking brow, then, I'll leave you in the hands of a make-up guru (Belladivaswarri). Just click on the link below and get a detailed tutorial on how to draw a nice looking and defined brow. ;)


Thanks for stopping by! :)


PS: Election results are out, some ain't smiling! :(   :)


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