Five-O; Five-O!


Still on the 5-on-5 series... 

To get a 'flaw-less' and long-lasting foundation application, you would obviously require a primer [if you didn’t know... now you do! :)].

We have different formulas of face-primers_ the cream, gel and even powder primers.

One might ask, "why do I have want for a primer?" [Who primer 'epp’?] 
Ah! If you really have to ask, then that is saying you want your pores visible, even if you say you don’t have large pores [unlike mine that can 'sink a fish'. Hehehe.

It is good to know that after applying a liquid foundation, it would likely make those pores more visible; so, you see, you do require a primer. Duh!

If you are insistent you do not have use for a primer, then you just might be saying you do not mind much if your foundation does not last long [F.Y.I., that’s what a primer is for_ it 'preps' the skin for the foundation to stick better. Which would of course make it last much longer than if you go with-out]. See? 

Still not convinced?

O.K., I’ll keep going…

If you insist you don’t need a primer, and you have oily-skin like moi, then you’re saying you don’t much mind if your make-up 'slides' from all corners of your face [making your face look like a 'treasure-map' Hehehe]; because, mi-love, a primer would get rid of that oily and greasy look [which I personally find unflattering].

You still think primers are unnecessary? Then you’re probably not keen on evening-out the skin. There are primers that even-out skin-tones [like the coloured primers_ red, green, yellow, and so on]. Also, some primers brighten the skin, giving that healthy-looking skin.

Well, here's my wanting to allow myself think I have been able to 'convince' you ["and not confuse you", :)] about the importance of face-primers! 

And because I’m an oily-skinned gal [as I’ve said dozens of times], I tend to lean towards the mattifying-primers. I have used quite a few, and I do have my top and worst primers. I have said, what might not work for me might actually work for you. And if they do, kudos!

O.K., my top 5 face-primers:

1  Milk-of-Magnesia

    I’ve raved about this before and there are a lot of mixed feelings about using this as a face-primer, because it could be ingested and all... but, oh my, this by far gives me a matte finish. 

    This is the best mattifying primer for me, and I use it once-in-a-while when I have a special event [or I just do not want to look like ‘fried stew’].

I apply this on areas I 'get most oily', which is basically all over my face, and I apply it with a cotton-pad which makes it smoother, then let it sit for three minutes before I apply the foundation.

O.K., let’s roll-back a bit: this is what I do... 

I apply my oil-free moisturiser, a layer of milk-of-magnesia, my baby-skin pore minimising primer [because, the magnesia doesn’t do anything for my pores], then my foundation [in that order].

This product 'gets me'; I do not doubt it will 'get you' too! ;)

     No7 Beautifully Matte Make Up Base:

    This absolutely helps my oily-skin, and I don’t have to blot... much. 
    My make-up stays in place. My only ‘ish’ with this product is the thick, creamy texture_ it is a little difficult to spread it around the face; it helps when I apply it with a flat foundation brush.

If you have got dry-skin, don’t even look in this direction!

P.S.: I think this product has been discontinued 😩; I have been trying to get another. If you do know where I can get one [or more]... please holler!

       Mac Prep and Prime Skin Base Visage:

    This is my number three on my list of top primers, not because I get a mattified-look from this, but my make-up almost always looks flaw-less after I apply it. I may not be able to explain it precisely... the difference is amazeballs. ;)

It’s a lotion-formula with a bit of glitter to it. It feels nice, and smooth to the skin; gives it a healthy glow; and it makes my make-up last long [make that very long]... me likey plenty!

  Pond’s Oil Control Vanishing Cream:

    This cosmetic is a relatively new one for me, but I have been testing it out for about two weeks... I can say it’s slowly, but surely, climbing-up the ladder.

It claims to contain micro-absorbers that reduce excess oil and give a matte-look. It’s creamy and thick in texture like the No7.

Now I do say, at first it controls my facial 'shine' very well, but it doesn’t last all day, after a while, I start to see the oil 'sipping out' to say 'hi' Lol
I do not mind that 'glow' but… there is a 'B-U-T'.

Well, it is in test mode... I will 'try' to keep you posted. Still, so far I like it!

    No7 Airbrush Away Pore Minimising Primer: 

    Well, we’ve got two No7 products on the 'top list'; that says a lot. :)
    It gives an 'air-brush' effect_ it applies smoothly, and make-up stays on longer.

    In fairness, I had other face-primers jostling with the No7 for the 5th position, but I did ‘tubutubu mensah’ [luck of the draw], and ended-up with thisπŸ™ˆ. Lol.

Now for the 'funny' [rather, not so fun] part, my 'bottom' primers.

Becca Ever-Matte Poreless Priming Perfector
This is a 'holy grail' primer for A LOT of people. A good example of 'one man’s meat, another’s poison'. 

I have really triiieeddd to like this. I’ve tried the various methods of applying this_ with a brush, a sponge, my fingers... I was even advised to mix it with a silicon primer! 

Nba nu!  

It just didn’t work for me. 

For some weird reason, it just makes my foundation 'separate'. 

It made me look 'scaly', like a zombie-extra from 'The Walking Dead'πŸ’€. Lol

O.K., I admit that was an exaggeration, but in all seriousness, it just felt like I had glue on my skin. It did not make my foundation blend smoothly; this is so my #1 'no-go', and it is on the pricey side too considering [if I’m not mistaken, I think this was between =N=25'000-27'000]. A complete waste of money... for me any-ways!

Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer:


Another pricey primer that doesn’t do bollocks for me [pardon my language!]. 

Personally considered, another over-rated product. 

After using this, I always, I repeat always, got super-greasy on my 'T' zone area, especially my nose. I start looking a little bit like 'Rumpelstiltskin' 😼[no offence 'Rumpel'!]. Hehehe. 

My foundation would not stay-on, it just wouldn't. Would/Should I recommend this to my oily-skinned brethren? Nope! [Make that, absolutely not!]

On the up-side... it is cruelty-free! πŸ˜€

NYX Shine Killer

Why would any-one think it right to call this a 'shine killer'? Jeez! 
It would have been more appropriate to call it 'shine distributor'! 

My skin takes-on a super slippery, and oily feel on the application of this... this... product

It did feel like my foundation, and this primer, had a 'fight'. I usually can't get both to 'co-operate'. The shine-killer keeps showing it-self. You’d think be-cause it is 'siliconey', it would make your foundation smooth and flaw-less, but no! It was the exact opposite. 

Let’s just say, without this particular primer, my skin doesn’t get as 'oily' as when I apply it. 

So, it is a no [a huge no too] from me.

Classic Makeup Perfecting Mattifying Face Primer:

In all fairness, I held no high hopes for this primer. I like a lot of Classic products but some-how, I knew this wouldn’t work for me. 

It is smack like the NYX Shine Killer, similar texture_ siliconey and all, and same effects too.

In fact, a friend of mine used it and she broke-out terribly [probably an ingredient in it she reacted to].  

This product does absolutely no-thing for my skin-type, no-thing at all!

Would I buy this, or [think to] recommend this? *Shaking head [emphatically] from side-to-side*

The up-side: I like the packaging; it reminds me of the Black-up Primer [wondering if I should try that one? Any advice?]

PS Stay All Day Primer:

This is from the Primark make-up brand, which I really like... the brand I mean. Most of their cosmetic products are quite good... and affordable, I might add. 

Unfortunately, this one 'made it' to the last 5 [shouldn't that be 'least 5'?]. 

This actually translates to 'the best' of the worst on this list; still not good for my type of skin. To be fair, it is not a mattifying primer.

And... I like the fact that it is more of a 'lotion-y' primer; other than that, I very likely would NOT be repurchasing.

And that's it my '5-O, 5-O'_ Primers Up... and Down! 

Care to share yours? :)

Thank you for stopping by!


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